

在三月底, UE announced receiving a $30 million grant to create the 埃文斯维尔承诺社区. 与23个组织合作, the initiative will implement a framework for increased collaboration and expansion of high-quality services and supports that will work towards the improvement of educational opportunities, 增加工作岗位, 扩大经济建设, 减少暴力犯罪, promote health and access to health care and increase access to quality affordable housing. This page will serve as a location for interested individuals to stay informed about how the effort is progressing, 提出问题或想法, 并随时了解我们合作伙伴的最新进展. 读 埃文斯维尔的完整提案. 你也可以 阅读摘要版本. 一如既往地, Evansville’s EPN proposal is up on the DOE website along with the other awarded neighborhoods. 这些可以在 基础教育办公室网站.



Promise Neighborhoods is a $30 million federal grant program through the United States Department of Education, 但这也是一种由愿景驱动的方法, 灵感来自哈莱姆儿童区. The vision of the program is that all 孩子ren and youth growing up in Promise Neighborhoods have access to quality schools and strong systems of family and community support that will prepare them to attain an excellent education and successfully transition to college and a career. The goal of DOE with this funding is to improve academic and developmental outcomes for 孩子ren in areas of concentrated poverty, and for those communities by identifying and increasing the capacity of eligible entities focused on achieving results for 孩子ren and youth throughout an entire neighborhood, 从摇篮到事业.


与能源部的目标一致, 埃文斯维尔承诺社区 was conceived to advance the following pipeline goals:

  • 管道座1. -早期保健和教育
  • 2号管道区块. -学生的成就和成功
  • 管道区块3. -接受高等教育
  • 管道区块4. ——邻里社区振兴

Specific results expected from the 埃文斯维尔承诺社区 include kindergarten readiness, 精通核心学科, 成功地从初中过渡到高中, 高中毕业, 接受高等教育/获得证书, 健康与安全, 稳定的社区, 家庭接触, 以及21世纪学习工具的使用.


While the grant will not fund all entities doing valuable work in the 埃文斯维尔承诺社区, 谅解备忘录合作伙伴将提供有针对性的, evidence-based solutions to advance the pipeline goals including the following:

  1. 幼儿家访
  2. 高质量的幼儿教育
  3. 为家庭提供免费的早期识字资源
  4. 为父母和照顾者提供的免费成人学习计划
  5. 产前和幼儿医疗保健
  6. 长期缺勤和辍学预防项目
  7. 高质量的校内学术支持项目
  8. 高质量的校外课程
  9. 学校社会工作服务
  10. 高中同等学历和工作技能支持
  11. 中学后的准备、指导和探索项目
  12. Workforce readiness preparation, coaching, and exploration programs
  13. 以社区为基础的就业和工作技能援助
  14. Access to and distribution of health resources, nutrition education, and healthy food
  15. 家庭稳定计划
  16. 街区振兴
  17. 社区安全和预防暴力


下表列出了EPN的所有伙伴机构, 他们将提供的服务, 他们的对手致力于EPN的倡议. 拨款申请要求至少1比1匹配总体 (不是每个合伙人). 所列匹配金额包括人员, 志愿者的时间和精力, as well as other in-kind support services the partners will provide to EPN residents. 一个组织可能比它收到的匹配更多(或更少). Budget Allocations from the grant to the agencies cannot be shared at UE this time.

Neighborhood Assets and Programs Supported by Federal, State, Local and Private Funds
组织 社区资产/项目/服务 杀虫剂匹配
UE 优质校外活动(探路者), 大学探索和准备项目, 改变Labs 1,209,137.87
EVSC k - 12学前公共教育, 提供全方位服务的社区学校, high quality after school programs via 21st Century 社区 Learning Centers, 标题1项目, 行为健康支持, 家庭和社区参与 5,173,195
范德堡县卫生部. 公共卫生服务, Pre - 3家访计划, 免疫接种, 健康促进和教育 1,208,186
构建块 幼儿发展资源, 推荐, 循证课程, early learning / transition coaches and provider training model to improve quality of early learning centers 2,735,285
基督教青年会 21世纪社区学习中心项目, physical fitness and family and neighborhood support and engagement 836,000
统一的方式 K-Camp 152,000
EVPL 公共图书馆, 孩子, 青少年及家庭计划, including early literacy and quality youth development programs 126,480
商誉行业 数字技能学院,Excel中心特许成人学校 2,631,197.44
常春藤理工 社区 College, College Connection Coaches and K–14 Completion Coordinators 224,000
青年成就 是程序 4,975,767
城市的种子 健康饮食和食品获取计划 172,966
青年第一次 School Social Work program and evidence-based student and family strengthening programs 1,386,435
环保署 社区警察,学校联络员,通知 3,403,709
麦当劳之家慈善机构 护理移动:移动产前和婴儿护理 1,235,117.24
回声房屋公司 Housing support programs, PZ Express grocery transportation, Housing Policy Director 110,500
西南印第安纳州劳动力委员会 Employment assistance programs, skills assessment, training, JAG program 653,935
梦想中心 校内和校外时间计划, 学生成功导师(SSMs), 全方位护理专家(WACS), 街区振兴 3,402,000
陶工旋盘 高质量的校外活动, mentoring, tutoring, recreation, SSMs, WACS 378,000
纪念疾病预防控制中心 Housing support, quality out-of-school time programs, mentoring, tutoring, recreation, SSMs, WACS 374,855
男孩女孩俱乐部 高质量的校外活动 780,675
一个社区 社区振兴与改善 1,327,855
总计 32,497,295.55

Hope of Evansville and Youth Build are also MOU partners but were not able to provide match due to federal guidelines.


The DOE is very specific on required outcomes for Promise Neighborhoods. 有5个以学术为重点的结果, 5 .以家庭和社区为重点的成果, 以及项目成果, 性能指标, 和4个管道的目标. The grant does not fund all entities doing valuable work in an area. 干预措施必须以证据为基础, 针对所需的结果, 作为最佳实践的研究支持, 目标是已确定的社区. 除了, 随着持续改进计划的展开, there may be services missed or new needs identified requiring us to bring on additional partners. There is some flexibility built into later years for that process to occur. The pipeline of services and outcomes chart is included at the end of this summary.


Our Promise Neighborhood includes the census tracts shown below, 还有这六所学校:埃文斯小学, 特拉华小学, 林肯学校, 博斯高中, 洛奇社区学校, 和格伦伍德领导学院. Schools and census tracts were selected after a careful review of school and neighborhood data based on areas of most concentrated need within the Promise Zone.



阅读埃文斯维尔的完整提案. 你也可以 阅读摘要版本. 一如既往地, Evansville’s EPN proposal is up on the DOE website along with the other awarded neighborhoods. 这些可以在 基础教育办公室网站.

Who do I contact with questions or with ideas about getting involved?

有问题可以直接问 EPN@dgbts66.com.


UE will support the Promise Neighborhood team from a variety of positions: CIC, CIE, 青少年活动及营务, 企业和基金会关系支持, 财政事务, 丰田移动创新实验室, 和更多的. This is largely work individuals in these departments would conduct in the neighborhood as part of their current strategic offerings. However, now the work can scale with the benefit of additional support and targeted funding.



